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   What its all about... 

Born on the open fields of the Saskatchewan prairies, raised in the land of living skies, learned in the Okanagan moutains, loved by the ponderosa pine trees and shaped by icebergs and tundra winds. I leave a little piece of my heart everywhere I go and with each new place my mind is opened to a world of culture, possibilities and adventures.

This blog is about striving to find comfort in the uncomfortable - feeling at home in discomfort and learning from those moments. As I strive to feel comfort in the uncomfortable I am able to learn more about myself and the world around me than I ever thought possible...

I have spent a few summers living, working and playing in the Canadian Arctic - my favorite place in the world. During my time in both the Yukon and Nunavut I gave blogging a try. You can check out those blog posts on Summer North of 60:

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